Computing, Networking, and Telephones for Small and Home-based Businesses
How well are your computers working? Is their software up to date? Should it be? How easy is it for hackers to attack? Do you know? Do your phones, email, and web site serve you well? In many small businesses, the owner, operations staff, or a family member takes care of all that in his or her “spare” time. It might be time to give up that responsibility and concentrate what your business is about.
Computers, etc.
Of course we take care of the basics. You have a collection of various equipment and its software. We get and keep it in shape.
You need internet service that lets you do your work, keeps you out of trouble, and keeps troublemakers out of your business.
And always with a top priority for security. Read more
Your email and web site
The free email that comes with your web site is probably worth what you pay for it, and the days of yourbiz@gmail/yahoo/aol/etc are over. You need, professionally managed at low cost. Read more
You need to be found on the web. We can get you started, take over and update an existing site, or expand to whatever is needed. Read more
Landlines are based on excellent but century-old technology, which AT&T has gotten permission from the state to stop supporting.
Internet-based telephony, called “VoIP” for Voice over IP (IP being the language of raw bytes travelling the internet) is mature and ready for businesses of all sizes. It might be time to make a move to the excellent and in most cases less costly VoIP. Read more
Your technology, our responsibility
We get everything configured properly so you can do what you need to do while keeping hackers out. Once configured properly, our computers keep an eye on yours, alerting us to problems as they arise and in most cases warning us about impending problems so we can solve them before they become trouble.
In short, we make it all work while you concentrate on your business.